The Best Tool You Already Possess to Encourage Better Behavior
and Build Character in Your Child
Leslie is a Licensed Psychologist specializing in children and the founder of Enilda Clinic in Spokane, WA, a child psychology practice focusing on neurodevelopmental concerns and parent training.
Leslie loves learning from various other TED talks and favors the talk by Nadine Burke Harris on ACES because Dr. Harris’s research into child trauma is transformative in linking the social-emotional lives of children to providing quality healthcare across the lifespan.
A couple of things you may not know about Leslie:
She trains her cats to do tricks, she is from Mobile, AL., her favorite food is blueberries, and she loves a good snuggle session at home with a cup of English breakfast tea and oat milk.
What you can look forward to in Leslie’s talk:
- How to use praise effectively even when it’s hard to find something to praise…
- How praise affects children across ages and into adulthood…
- How praise builds character and intrinsic motivation…
- And how praise may be the most effective but underutilized method that parents already possess in their toolkit…
Leslie hopes that with her TED talk, you will learn to love praise for the teaching tool it is.
Find Leslie on social media!
Child Behavior and Development Vlog:
Youtube: @enildaclinic
Facebook: @enildaclinic and
Instagram: @enildaclinic