Presentation: Music and New Dimensions for Data Analysis

Jonathan Middleton is professor of Music Theory and Composition at Eastern Washington University. He holds a DMA in music composition from Columbia University and his compositions have been recorded on the ERM and Origin Classical labels. In addition to being a modern-day classically trained composer, he is a published author for a composition textbook called “Essentials for Composers,” and a co-author for four research articles about data-to-music transformation. He designed and launched a Web-based tool for converting data into music called “musicalgorithms” in 2004-05. Since then, has held sonification research residencies at Stanford University (2007-08) and Tampere University in Finland (2015-17).

Fun Fact:
Jonathan enjoys the challenge of making music classes fun and inclusive.

What you can look forward to in Jonathan’s Talk:

  • Discover how we can use musical characteristics to experience and interpret our data.
  • Listen to a weather forecast as an auditory display.
  • Learning the value of following your interests and ideals, no matter how unusual they may seem.

Find Jonathan on Social Media:

Examples of My Music and Publications:
Book Review:

Research Articles:

Redwoods Symphony:

Raw Wood:

My Freeware Sonification Tool:


Skylar Garvin, vibraphone
Christian Kindell, orchestral bells
Tim Gales, cello